
What is an API SMS?

What is an API SMS?

An SMS API is a type of API that allows your business to integrate SMS (Short Message Service) messaging into your existing software platforms. SMS APIs enable you to send or receive SMS messages quickly and easily through any website or application.

Is there a free SMS API?

TextBelt Open Source is a REST API that sends outgoing SMS. It uses a free mechanism for sending texts, different from the more reliable paid version available at This project uses carrier-specific gateways to deliver your text messages for free, and without ads.

What are the key features of SMS API?

Base URL. The API is served over HTTPS.

  • SMS API authentication. HTTP requests to the API are protected with HTTP Basic authentication.
  • Send messages with the SMS API. To send an outbound SMS,WhatsApp,or Channels message with the API,POST to the Message resource.
  • Advanced applications built on Twilio’s SMS API.
  • Help integrating the SMS API.
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    Which API is used to send and receive SMS?

    Send and receive SMS through Jasmin’s connectors,

  • Receive http callbacks for delivery notification ( receipts) when SMS-MT is received (or not) on mobile station,
  • Send and receive long (more than 160 characters) SMS,unicode/binary content and receive http callbacks when a mobile station send you a SMS-MO.
  • Check your balance status,
  • What does SMS in SMS messaging stand for?

    – SMS stands for “Short Message Service” and refers to standard text messages on cellular devices. – SMS text messages are more simplistic than MMS texts, which support multimedia content. – When and if your phone uses SMS messages depends on your cellular carrier, as does the cost of sending one. – Visit Insider’s Tech Reference library for more stories.

    What does SMS mean on a text message?

    SMS (short message service) is a text messaging service component of most telephone, internet, and mobile-device systems. It uses standardized communication protocols to enable mobile devices to exchange short text messages.