
What is another way to say old is gold?

What is another way to say old is gold?


  • antique.
  • long-ago.
  • yellow.
  • hand-down.
  • age.
  • stale.
  • nonmodern.
  • yellowed.

What is considered old gold?

Old gold is a dark yellow, which varies from heavy olive or olive brown to deep or strong yellow. The widely accepted color old gold is on the darker rather than the lighter side of this range.

Why called Old is gold?

Old songs with their sweet melodies, old sculptures standing tall, old friends etc, are all much more precious than gold. From practical to aesthetic value they are very much valuable just like gold. When a thing becomes old it is more valued.

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What’s the meaning of G old?

Definition of gold (Entry 1 of 2) 1 : a yellow metallic element that occurs naturally in pure form and is used especially in coins, jewelry, and electronics — see Chemical Elements Table.

What is a fancy word for gold?

What is another word for gold?

ingots bars
bullion doubloons
nuggets sovereigns
gold plate pieces of eight

What is gold synonym?


  • gilt.
  • halcyon.
  • aureate.
  • aurelian.
  • auric.
  • auriferous.
  • aurous.
  • gilded.

What is the difference between gold and old gold?

As adjectives the difference between old and gold is that old is of an object, concept, relationship, etc, having existed for a relatively long period of time while gold is made of gold or gold can be (programming|of software) in a finished state, ready for manufacturing.

What is the meaning of Karat in gold?

A gold karat is 1/24 part, or 4.1667 percent, of the whole, and the purity of a gold alloy is expressed as the number of these parts of gold it contains. Thus, an object that contains 16 parts gold and 8 parts alloying metal is 16-karat gold, and pure gold is 24-karat gold.

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When you say something is gold?

If you describe something as golden, you mean it is wonderful because it is likely to be successful and rewarding, or because it is the best of its kind. He says there’s a golden opportunity for peace which must be seized. Synonyms: promising, excellent, valuable, favourable More Synonyms of golden.

Is pure gold meaning?

1. pure gold – 100 per cent gold. 24-karat gold. atomic number 79, Au, gold – a soft yellow malleable ductile (trivalent and univalent) metallic element; occurs mainly as nuggets in rocks and alluvial deposits; does not react with most chemicals but is attacked by chlorine and aqua regia.