
What is boiler steady flow equation?

What is boiler steady flow equation?

h1−Q=h2h1−Q=h2 Where Q = Heat lost by 1 Kg of steam passing through the condenser. Nozzle: In case of a nozzle as the enthalpy of the fluid decreases and pressure drops simultaneously the flow of fluid is accelerated.

What is steady flow energy equation in thermodynamics?

The steady flow energy equation tells us that if there is no heat or shaft work (the case for our adiabatic inlet) the stagnation enthalpy (and thus stagnation temperature for constant Cp) remains unchanged.

How do you derive steady flow energy equation?

1 Answer

  1. Since the steady flow process is that in which the condition of fluid flow within a control volume do not vary with time, i.e. the mass flow rate, pressure, volume, work and rate of heat transfer are not the function of time.
  2. i.e., for steady flow.
  3. (dm/dt)entrance = (dm/dt)exit ; i.e, dm/dt = constant.
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Is a compressor a steady flow device?

Compressors. A compressor, unlike a turbine, is a steady flow engineering device that uses shaft work to create power. Hence, shaft work is required to run a compressor. In addition, heat transfer, as well as potential and kinetic energy are negligible.

How is steady flow energy equation applied to turbine?

Q̇ = 0, for the adiabatic or perfectly insulated turbine, Change in kinetic and potential energy is neglected (ΔK. E = ΔP. E = 0)…Detailed Solution.

Device S.F.E.E
Turbine Ẇ = ṁ(h1 – h2)
Compressor Ẇ = ṁ(h2 – h1)
Boiler Q = ṁ(h2 – h1)

What are the applications of steady flow energy equation?

Steady flow energy equation is Very useful in thermodynamics it helps in finding the compressor & Turbine work and also velocity of Nozzle , etc .

Which compressor is a steady flow compressor?

A piston/cylinder type compressor. The first type is analyzed using control volume approach (steady state steady flow process). The working fluid enters the compressor at low pressure and exits at high pressure. Usually, changes in potential energy are negligible as is the inlet kinetic energy.

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What is energy equation for steady flow of incompressible fluids?

(p/w) + (v2 / 2g) + z = Constant. (gauge) and with mean velocity of 2.0 m/s. find the total head or total energy per unit weight of the water at cross -section, which is 5 cm above the datum line.

What is the energy flow equation?

Mass and energy can be converted to each other according to Einstein’s formula: E = mc2, where c is the speed of light. However, except for nuclear reactions, the conservation of mass principle holds for all processes. The mass and volume flow rate are related by: m°=ρV°= V°/ v.

What is steady state steady flow?

Steady-state flow is defined as a flow condition under which the pressure at any point in the reservoir remains constant over time. This flow condition prevails when the pressure funnel shown in Fig. 3.1 has propagated to a constant-pressure boundary.

Is a boiler a steady flow device?

In many engineering applications, devices such as turbines, pumps, com-pressors, heat exchangers and boilers are operated under steady flow conditions for long periods of time. A steady flow process is a process in which matter and energy flow in and out of an open system at steady rates.

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Is boiler a steady state device?

For example, the engineering devises like boiler, turbine, condenser/heat exchanger, feed water pump, cooling tower, and stack of steam power plant (Fig. Therefore these engineering devises must run under steady state conditions and can be analyzed as steady flow devices by applying steady flow energy equation.