
What is check nrpe Socket timeout?

What is check nrpe Socket timeout?

In general, Nagios monitoring servers use the check_nrpe plugin to monitor the service states in a remote server. The timeout indicates how long the check_nrpe command on the Nagios core will wait for a response from the NRPE agent. The default value of timeout is 10 seconds which is a small value for certain checks.

How do I fix checkNrpe state critical socket timeout after 10 seconds?

1 Answer

  1. Check that the NRPE service in running on the destination server.
  2. Check that you have configured allowed_hosts correctly on the destination server so that the Nagios server is allowed connect (nrpe.cfg)
  3. Check that no firewalls are blocking the connections.
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How to increase Socket timeout in Nagios?

You can change the timeout in Nagios XI with the switch -t in the check_nrpe command. In the Command Line, change -t xx to a higher value, in the screenshot above you can see it is set to 30 seconds.

What is Nrpe in Nagios?

NRPE. Nagios Remote Plugin Executor (NRPE) is a Nagios agent that allows remote system monitoring using scripts that are hosted on the remote systems. It allows for monitoring of resources such as disk usage, system load or the number of users currently logged in.

Where is Nrpe CFG located?

The main configuration file will be /etc/nagios/nrpe. cfg , and the default included directory is /etc/nrpe.

How do I stop socket timeout?

During load testing, there can be a large number of open connections, so it is easy to reach the limit and get an error. To avoid this, set the “Close connections after request” value in Preferences > HTTP to true.

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How do I check my Nrpe?

Step 1 – Configure NRPE on Linux Host

  1. Step 1.1 – Install NRPE. Firstly we would require installing nrpe service on remote Linux system, which we need to monitor through Nagios server.
  2. Step 1.2 – Configure NRPE.
  3. Step 1.3 – Verify Connectivity from Nagios.

How restart Nrpe service in Linux?

cfg file will be located in /etc/nagios/nrpe. cfg , and you should be able to then enable and (re)start the nrpe service with: chkconfig nrpe on (which will ensure NRPE starts on system boot), and /etc/init. d/nrpe restart (to restart the service).

How does Nrpe work in Nagios?

What NRPE does is run checks on a system remote from the central Nagios server, allowing Nagios to query it as if the checks were run locally. In essence, Nagios talks to NRPE, asks it to run a specific check, waits for the response, and logs it along with everything else it watches.

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How do you handle service timeout?

The best practice for service timeouts is to prevent them, or at least make them as short as possible. The Timeout Design Pattern states that you should not wait for a service response for an indefinite amount of time — you should rather throw an exception instead of waiting for too long.