
What is Checkmarx used for?

What is Checkmarx used for?

Checkmarx SAST (CxSAST) is an enterprise-grade flexible and accurate static analysis solution used to identify hundreds of security vulnerabilities in custom code.

What is the difference between Checkmarx and SonarQube?

Checkmarx and SonarQube differ in what is considered to be a new vulnerability. New vulnerabilities in Checkmarx are determined by Checkmarx server results, where new vulnerabilities in SonarQube are determined by SonarQube’s inner logic.

Who are Checkmarx competitors?

Competitors and Alternatives to Checkmarx

  • Veracode.
  • Micro Focus.
  • Synopsys.
  • NTT Application Security.
  • Contrast Security.
  • Qualys.
  • Invicti.
  • Rapid7.

Does Checkmarx supports the Compare feature?

4 Checkmarx supports the compare feature.

Is Checkmarx cloud based?

Frictionlessly integrate one-click security with a platform built from our industry-leading technology. Designed for cloud development and delivered from the cloud, it seamlessly secures your entire development life cycle.

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Does Checkmarx supports DevSecOps?

Checkmarx Scores Highest for DevOps/DevSecOps Use Case in 2020 Gartner Critical Capabilities for Application Security Testing Report. Checkmarx leads the industry in delivering automated security scanning as part of the DevOps process.

What is difference between SonarQube and SonarCloud?

SonarCloud is hosted by SonarSource in AWS and is the easiest path to start scanning your code in minutes. SonarSource does all the heavy lifting for SonarCloud so you don’t have to worry about installation or maintenance. As a SaaS offering, SonarCloud gives you immediate access to new features and functionality.

How much does Checkmarx cost?

Also, like the other AppSec vendors, Checkmarx is expensive. It is priced per developer with a rough estimate of 12 Developers for $59k USD per year or 50 Developers for $99k USD per year. Checkmarx uses Whitesource for dependency scanning and charges an extra $12k USD per year for this open source scanning.

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Does Checkmarx supports PCI DSS standards?

Checkmarx’s source code analysis makes PCI DSS compliance simpler. You can satisfy the requirement to regularly inspect your code using this tool to automate code inspection.

Is Checkmarx open source?

Centralize Application Security Checkmarx provides a single platform to address in-house and open source code via a single and unified dashboard.

Does Checkmarx support Python?

Checkmarx’s CxSAST, a static code analysis solution, stands out amongst Python testing solutions as not only the solution which will keep your Python code free from security and compliance issues, but also as the tool which will contribute to your organization’s advancement when it comes to application security …

Does Checkmarx support Hipaa standards?

Checkmarx supports HIPPA standards.