
What is considered quid pro quo?

What is considered quid pro quo?

Quid pro quo describes an agreement between two or more parties in which there is a reciprocal exchange of goods or services. The phrase is Latin for “something for something.”

Which of the following according to the contract Act represents the phrase quid pro quo?

According to general practice quid pro quo means giving passing of one valuable thing for other. Therefore the term “quid pro quo” signifies the consideration part of contract which passes from one party to the other, of a contract thereby rendering the agreement valid and binding.

Is tax a quid pro quo?

“A tax is a compulsory exaction of money by public authority for public purposes enforceable by law and is not payment for services rendered. As the object of a tax is not to confer any special benefit upon any particular individual, there is no element of ‘quid pro quo’ between the tax payer and the public authority.

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What is quid pro quo in cyber security?

Quid Pro Quo – A quid pro quo attack occurs when attackers request private information from someone in exchange for something desirable or some type of compensation. For instance, an attacker requests login credentials in exchange for a free gift. Remember, if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.

Is quid pro quo illegal in the workplace?

In terms of sexual harassment, it means that someone offers something work-related in exchange for a sexual favor. In addition to being illegal when it happens on the job, quid pro quo harassment is also illegal during the job application process.

Why a quid pro quo harassment is illegal and immoral?

“Quid pro quo” literally means “this for that” in Latin. Quid pro quo sexual harassment occurs when employment, pay, benefits, title, position or other opportunities for advancement or training are conditioned on the submission to unwelcome sexual advances. Whether the harassment is explicit or implicit, it is illegal.

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