
What is difference between Class 2 and 3 DSC?

What is difference between Class 2 and 3 DSC?

Class 2 Digital Signature Certificates are generally used for filing documents Income Tax, Registrar of Companies and VAT, whereas Class 3 Digital Signature Certificates are needed for e-tendering, which is a procurement process that is conducted online.

What is the use of class 3 digital signature?

DSC Class 3: DSC Class 3 is the highest level of DSC where a Registration Authority verifies the identity of a person. DSC Class 3 is used for e-tendering, which is an online conducted procurement. It is applied in an environment where there are significant fraud risks, threats to data or high-value transactions.

What is class type in digital signature?

509 Certificate Policy for India PKI published by Controller of Certifying Authorities, e-Mudhra issues 3 classes of Certificates, namely: Class 1, Class 2 and Class 3. Each class of digital signature certificate is associated with specific security features and corresponds to a specific level of trust.

What is class digital signature?

The Class 1 Digital Signature certificates are issued for both business personnel and private individuals use. Such certificates assure that the information in the application given by the subscriber does not conflict with the information in well-recognized consumer databases.

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What is Classes in DSC?

What are the different classes of digital signature certificates?

There are different classes of Digital Signature certificates such as Class 0, class 1, class 2 and class 3. Class 3 Certificate: This certificate will be issued to individuals as well as organizations.

What is a Class3 digital certificate and how does it work?

Generally, government entities like Indian railways and banks use these types of digital signatures. And, they are primarily used for e-tendering applications, e-auctions in order to bring transparency to the system. Class3 digital certificate comes in three validities for one year, two years, and three years. The certificate

What is Class 3 digital signature certificate for e-tender?

It is necessary for organisation or firm that is looking for Government or Private contract through e-tender to have class 3 Digital Signature Certificate issued by a valid Registry Authority (RA) or Certify Authority (CA) used for e procurement activities across India.

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What is the difference between Class 1 and Class 2 signatures?

Class 1 and Class 2 can be used to sign general documents and pdfs, tax filing, and all. Class 3 can be used for a more specific purpose like filing tenders and all. Each class has some security levels. Class 3 considered the most secure form of a digital signature certificate issued by certifying authorities.