
What is double shipping?

What is double shipping?

Re: Customers charged double shipping However, this can occur if the customer orders two items from different locations or shipping profiles, meaning each item is being shipped separately from each location and as such, two shipping charges would stack and be charged to the customer.

Can comics be shipped Media Mail?

MEDIA MAIL: The cheapest postal rate is the “Media Mail” rate which may be used only for books, including graphic novels, trade paperbacks and hardbacks. Items that contain advertising do not qualify for media mail. Almost all comics contain advertising and therefore cannot be shipped media mail.

Why is Shopify charging double shipping?

If the inventory levels for a single location do not have enough stock to fulfill the entire order, the order is split up by location based on where inventory is available for an item. Shopify will then perform a separate shipping calculation for each “piece” of the order and blend these rates together at checkout.

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What is double blind shipping?

Double-blind shipping is when the identity of both the sender and the receiver are hidden from one another. Double-blind shipping ensures the customer doesn’t go right to the vendor/manufacturer, and that the vendor/manufacturer doesn’t go directly to sell to your customer at a better price.

How do you email comics?

You can ship 1-6 comic books in a USPS Priority Envelope. Ensure all the comics are protected in bags and boards. Ideally the bags will not be taped closed, and the flaps will be loose.

Why is Media Mail cheaper?

USPS Media Mail rates are cheaper because following extra shipping services are not included: Price Is Based On Weight And Size Not Zone: Unlike other shipping options from the US Postal Service, USPS Media Mail is based on weight and size, not zone. Media Mail is much slower than regular mail.

Does Media Mail have tracking?

Simply navigate to the “Packages” tab and select “Media Mail” in the drop-down menu for mail class. You will notice Tracking is included for FREE. With USPS Tracking now included for free, USPS Media Mail still remains the lowest cost option for qualifying items like books, CDs, DVDs etc.