
What is early injection?

What is early injection?

Early Injection Strategy Definition In order to allow enough time for fuel to mix with the air before combustion, the early injection strategy, by which the fuel is injected in an early stage of the compression stroke, has been applied widely in HCCI and PCCI diesel engines.

Why is injection timing important?

Injection timing is an important engine parameter, which significantly affects the odorous emissions. If injection starts earlier, the initial air temperature and pressure are lower so the ignition delay would increase.

What is the optimum injection timing?

Optimum injection timing found to be 60° BTDC for stoichiometric condition (φ = 1.0) which gives the indicated efficiency of 39.33\%, however, optimum injection timing was obtained 10° BTDC for lean condition (φ = 0.2). The indicated efficiency increases continuously with decreases of injection timing for AFR = 85.825.

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What is variable injection timing?

Variable injection timing, often referred to as VIT, is a term that describes the process of adjusting the timing of starting fuel injection. More specifically, it refers to the mechanism which either advances or retards fuel into the injection pump.

What can cause irregularity in the shape of an indicator diagram?

Irregularities in the shape of indicator diagrams are indications of faulty engine operations. If irregularity seems for all units, problem may be common like faults in fuel oil system, intake air, turbocharger, air cooler, exhaust, etc.

What are the causes of early ignition in a diesel engine?

Insufficient oil in the engine. Ignition timing too far advanced. Too much air/too little fuel (octane) to withstand pressures (too much air causes too much pressure for the octane to handle, too little fuel reduces the octane to handle the pressurized air)

What are the causes of late ignition in a diesel engine?

The longer ignition delay can be caused by a number of factors including: lower intake air temperature, lower boost pressure due to turbocharger lag, lower combustion chamber wall temperature and more advanced dynamic injection timing.

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How do I adjust my fuel timing?

Fuel pump timing can be adjusted by simply adjusting number of shims to the pump base. Add or remove required shims to set required injection timing. For some engines you may also required to manually adjust the relative position of cam with respect to crankshaft to do the job.