
What is FSEvents used for?

What is FSEvents used for?

The FSEvents API in MacOS allows applications to register for notifications of changes to a given directory tree. It is a very fast and lightweight alternative to kqueue. This is a low-level library.

Does npm link install dependencies?

It either installs all the dependencies listed in package. json or installs dependencies given as attribute while running the command. npm link is a npm command which has the task of creating symlinks and also linking locally installed dependent projects to the main project.

Why does npm install remove packages?

If a package has been installed and is not present in package. json and npm install is run the package will get removed.

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What is npm CI?

npm ci: CI stands for continuous integration and npm ci is used to install all exact version dependencies or devDependencies from a package-lock. json file. Syntax: npm ci.

What is FSEvents node?

The FSEvents API in MacOS allows applications to register for notifications of changes to a given directory tree. It is a very fast and lightweight alternative to kqueue. For a cross-platform file watching module that uses fsevents, check out Chokidar.

How do I update my Chokidar?

Update chokidar by doing rm -rf node_modules package-lock. json yarn. lock && npm install , or update your dependency that uses chokidar.

How do I uninstall Webpack?

If your webpack bin isn’t in the npm root, reset your path to the webpack binary e.g. hash -d webpack in bash, and then go remove the unwanted npm root from your PATH variable. You can now use npm install -g webpack and npm uninstall -g webpack and it should work.

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How do I uninstall Webpack command line?

19 Answers

  1. Open cmd on the node-modules folder outside of your project folder.
  2. Uninstall webpack and webpack-dev-server: npm uninstall webpack npm uninstall webpack-dev-server.
  3. Delete the node-modules folder and the package-lock. json file from your project’s folder.
  4. Use this command on your project folder npm install.

How do you fix unsupported platform for FSEvents 1.2 9 wanted OS Darwin Arch any current OS win32 arch x64 })?

8 Answers

  1. Remove the local node_modules & package-lock.json.
  2. Clean npm cache by npm cache verify.
  3. Update the global npm by sudo npm i -g npm.
  4. Reinstall the local node_modules by npm i.