
What is GOD and pod?

What is GOD and pod?

• Glucose oxidase (GOD) oxidizes the specific. substrate β-D- glucose to gluconic acid and. hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) is liberated. Peroxidase (POD) enzyme acts on hydrogen. peroxide to liberate nascent oxygen (O2), then.

What is GOD-Pod reagent?

GOD-POD reagent enzymes. Freeze-dried powder of glucose oxidase (GOD; >12,000 U), peroxidase (POD; >650 U) and 4-aminoantipyrine (80 mg). Stable for 5 years at -20 °C. Dissolve the contents of bottle 2 in approx. 20 mL of solution 1 and quantitatively transfer this to the bottle containing the remainder of solution 1.

What is the full form of GOD-Pod?

Abbreviation / Long Form : GOD-POD / glucose oxidase-peroxidase.

What does GOD PAP stand for?

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Method. “GOD-PAP“: enzymatic photometric test. Principle. Determination of glucose after enzymatic oxidation by glucose oxidase. The colorimetric indicator is quinoneimine, which is generated from 4-aminoantipyrine and phenol by hydrogen peroxide under the catalytic action of peroxidase (Trinder’s reaction) [3].

What is God-Pod technique?

The GOD-POD method is linear (up to 500 mg/dl), sensitive (detection limit 0.3 mg/dl), simple (requires 10 microlitre of sample to be incubated for 30 minutes with single reagent at room temperature) and requires simple instrumentation (the absorbance to be read between 505 nm to 550 nm).

Which method is best for glucose estimation?

Glucose in blood is the most frequent analyzed parameter in a clinical chemistry laboratory. In Armed Forces Laboratories, copper reduction method (Modified Folin Wu) is commonly used. Here we have compared this method as well as O-Toluidine and GOD-POD method with reference UV-Hexokinase method.

What are the different methods to estimate blood sugar?

What is the function of God-Pod enzyme?

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The glucose oxidase enzyme (GOx or GOD) also known as notatin (EC number 1.1. 3.4) is an oxidoreductase that catalyses the oxidation of glucose to hydrogen peroxide and D-glucono-δ-lactone.

What are the methods used to quantify glucose?

There are three basic approaches to the laboratory measurement of blood glucose concentration: reducing methods, condensation methods, and enzymatic methods.

What are the method of glucose estimation?

Different methods based on the different properties of glucose are described for blood glucose estimation [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]….TABLE 2.

Method Molar ext coeff Detection limit
Mod Folin Wu 24000 M−1 cm−1 0.31 mg/dl
GOD-POD 6600 M−1 cm−1 0.30 mg/dl
Hexokinase 6800 M−1cm−1 0.29 mg/dl

What are the different methods of glucose estimation?

What is the principal of God-Pod method?

analyzer): Glucose oxidase enzyme (GOD) oxidizes the specific substrate beta-D-glucose to gluconic acid and hydrogen peroxide is liberated. Peroxidase enzyme acts on hydrogen peroxide to liberate nascent oxygen (O). Nascent oxygen then couples with 4-amino- antipyrine and phenol to form red quinoneimine dye.