
What is graduation SOL?

What is graduation SOL?

The School of Open Learning (SOL) is a constituent college of the University of Delhi. SOL gives opportunity to students who are preparing for competitive exams as there is no minimum attendance criteria for attending classes.

Is SOL a Recognised university?

Yes, SOL is recognised from UGC and it is valid. Delhi University, SOL is recognised by UGC. Degrees awarded by the institute are valid for higher studies and job both in government and the private sector.

Is a Sol degree from distancedu worth it?

DU sol degree only fulfills eligibility criteria.. Definitely sol degree is valuable, its equivalent to regular degree and you will get equal opportunity all sector whether it’s private or govt sector. It’s degree is acceptable all over india, only thing is matter how much you will do hard work for your dream.

What are the postgraduate courses offered by Du Sol?

SOL DU also offers MA and M.Com courses in various disciplines at the postgraduate level. DU SOL offers admission to PG courses in two categories, namely, Entrance-based and Merit-based. Students have to meet the specific eligibility criteria with respect to the categories in order to secure admission.

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What is the difference between regular colleges and Sol colleges?

In regular colleges you only could get admission through cutoff, where as any one could get admission in SOL. Regular colleges have 5-6 days classes a week, where as SOL provide only one or two PCP classes a week which is not compulsory to attend. Regular colleges have semester wise exam while SOL has yearly exam.

Is there any problem in admission in Sol University?

There was no problem in admission in sol as the passing marks student can get admission here easily and there are no age restrictions. The admission process is so simple that one can get admission there by sitting at home by just filling a form online on.