
What is maximum temperature of a combustion?

What is maximum temperature of a combustion?

After the compression stroke and during combustion stroke, there is heat transfer to the surroundings from the hot gas through the cylinder walls. The peak gas temperatures of combustion are the order of 3000 (k) and that is why the cylinder walls of the chamber overheat.

What is the maximum flame temperature in a fire?

Common temperatures

Material burned Max. flame temperature (in air, diffusion flame)
Gasoline 1,026 °C (1,878.8 °F)
Wood 1,027 °C (1,880.6 °F)
Methanol 1,200 °C (2,192 °F)
Charcoal (forced draft) 1,390 °C (2,534 °F)

Which part of flame has maximum heat content?

The outermost zone has the highest temperature in the flame.It is the hottest part of the flame.It is quite thin as compared to middle zone.

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What is independent of the flame temperature?

It is not hot enough to weld steel. When acetylene is burned in pure oxygen, the flame temperature may be as high as 5730° F (3166° C).

Why the temperature of a flame is lower than the adiabatic flame temperature?

We shall see in detail about the flame temperature that even relates to the adiabatic volume and pressure. Thus, the correct answer is that the actual flame temperature is lower than that of adiabatic flame temperature because some energy released during the combustion goes into changing the volume of the system.

Where does maximum flame temperature occur?

inner cone
The highest temperature is at the tip of inner cone of oxyacetylene flame.

When the adiabatic flame temperature is maximum?

The adiabatic flame temperature is one that occurs when the combustion chamber is well insulated with no heat losses (adiabatic conditions). The peak adiabatic flame temperature occurs at around Φ = 1 in an ideally insulated combustion chamber.

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Why does the adiabatic flame temperature vary with increasing combustion air?

Each fuel has a unique adiabatic flame temperature for a given amount of air. As the ratio of fuel to air is varied, the adiabatic flame temperature varies. The highest value generally occurs at an air-to-fuel ratio with slightly less air than is required to convert all of the carbon of CO2 and hydrogen to H2O.

What is the maximum flame temperature developed by the gas welding?

The maximum temperature obtained in a reducing flame is about 29000C, that in a neutral flame about 32500C and for an oxidizing flame about 35000C. Majority of the oxy-acetylene welding is done manually.