
What is meant by condensation polymerization?

What is meant by condensation polymerization?

A condensation polymerization is a form of step-growth polymerization in which monomers and/or oligomers react with each other to form larger structural units while releasing smaller molecules as a byproduct such as water or methanol.

What are condensation polymers with example?

Examples of naturally occurring condensation polymers are cellulose, starch, the polypeptide chains of proteins, and poly(β-hydroxybutyric acid), a polyester synthesized in large quantity by certain soil and water bacteria.

What is condensation polymerization Class 8?

Condensation Polymerization Condensation polymers form from the step growth polymerization. Here when molecules of monomers react to form a bond they replace certain molecules. These molecules are the by-product of the reaction. In most cases, this by-product is a water molecule.

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What is condensation polymerization Igcse?

Condensation polymers are formed when two different monomers are linked together with the removal of a small molecule, usually water. This is a key difference between condensation polymers and addition polymers: Addition polymerisation forms the polymer molecule only.

Which polymers are prepared by condensation polymerization?

Condensation polymerization is used to make Dacron, Nylon-6.6, and Bakelite.

Which polymer is obtained by condensation polymerization?

nitrile rubber.

What is polymerization class 10th?

Polymerization is the process of connecting these monomers together and creating large macromolecules of different sizes and shapes. Polymerization is similar to constructing a large building out of the same type of Lego blocks.

What is called polymerization?

polymerization, any process in which relatively small molecules, called monomers, combine chemically to produce a very large chainlike or network molecule, called a polymer.

Why is it called condensation polymerisation?

Some polymers are made via condensation polymerisation . In condensation polymerisation, a small molecule is formed as a by-product each time a bond is formed between two monomers . An example of a condensation polymer is nylon.