
What is meant by smart materials give example?

What is meant by smart materials give example?

Smart materials, also called intelligent or responsive materials, are designed materials that have one or more properties that can be significantly changed in a controlled fashion by external stimuli, such as stress, moisture, electric or magnetic fields, light, temperature, pH, or chemical compounds.

What are smart building materials?

Smart or intelligent materials are described as materials that can achieve a controlled, predictable, variation in one or more of their properties as a direct response to an external stimuli and/or a change in their environment.

What is a smart material in DT?

A ‘smart material’ can be defined as a material whose physical properties change in response to an input e.g. making them simpler or safer to use. A smart material reacts to external stimulus / changes in the environment without human intervention.

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What are smart modern materials?

Smart materials are ‘reactive materials’. Their properties can be changed by exposure to stimuli, such as electric and magnetic fields, stress, moisture and temperature. Modern materials are developed through the invention of new or improved processes, for example as a result of manmade materials/ingredients.

What are smart materials in textiles?

Smart materials: materials that are able to react to external stimuli (e.g. heat, light) without human intervention.

What is smart construction?

Smart construction is building design, construction and operation that through collaborative partnerships makes full use of digital technologies and industrialised manufacturing techniques to improve productivity, minimise whole life cost, improve sustainability and maximise user benefits.

How are smart materials used in clothing?

Clothing or textile items printed with thermochromic inks change colour according to wearer and environment. They react to changes in temperature such as body heat or boiling water. The inks are effectively colourless without the application of heat and turn into vibrant colour once activated.

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How are smart textiles made?

Smart textiles can be made by incorporating smart materials, conductive polymers, encapsulated phase change materials, shape memory polymers and materials and other electronic sensors and communication equipments. These materials interact – according to their designed feature with the stimuli in their environment.

Why are smart materials important?

Using a smart material instead of conventional mechanisms to sense and respond, can simplify devices, reducing weight and the chance of failure. Smart materials sense changes in the environment around them and respond in a predictable manner.