
What is more popular Go or chess?

What is more popular Go or chess?

Go is the most popular ‘Chess’ in the world in terms of number of people playing, even Xiangqi maybe more popular than Chess. If you go to a forum in China, few will know what Western Chess is.

Why is Go harder than chess?

Go is simpler than Chess and yet more complex. Simpler because all pieces are the same, just black and white, and in Go the pieces do not move around the board. But unlike Chess, Go offers a well balanced handicap system which allows a stronger player to play evenly against a weaker player and be fully challenged.

What are the best chess openings for beginners?

Nearly half a millennium later, the Ruy remains one of the most popular chess openings. Chess experts have come up with numerous variations, and a wide variety of strategic plans are available to both white and black. The starting position of the Ruy Lopez is reached after the following moves: 1. e4, e5; 2.

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Where can I find chess openings and book moves?

Chess Openings and Book Moves – Search through more than 3,000 opening lines to find the perfect chess opening for you. Explore openings variations and find matching master chess games to study. Play Puzzles Learn Today Connect More Sign UpLog In Search Help Ask a Question Report Abuse Make a Suggestion Billing Issues Report a Bug

What is the best response to D4 in chess?

The best response to d4 is Nf6, which leads to a collection of openings known as the Indian defenses. These openings, while less solid than the classical d5, offer more immediate opportunities for counterplay.

What is the Reti Opening in chess?

The Reti opening (1. Nf3) is named after the great chess master Richard Reti. Like 1. d4 and 1. c4, the Reti also generally leads to closed positions, and all three moves can transpose into similar setups. One possible formation for white is the king’s Indian attack.