
What is multi Auth in laravel 8?

What is multi Auth in laravel 8?

Authentication is the process of recognizing user credentials. Laravel 8 multi auth system, create a middleware for checking the user’s role. It is an admin or normal user. Then create middleware name isAdmin and configuration in the kernal.

How do I log into multiple users in laravel?

This is all you want to create multi auth. As you created different table for different roles you have to follow this process.

  1. Create LoginController for all user types or use your logic to log them in.
  2. Add your guards for every user type in auth.php.
  3. Add your cases to RedirectIfAuthenticated.
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How do you create multiple role based authentication and access control in laravel applications?

How to Create Multiple Role Based Authentication and Access Control in Laravel Application

  1. Step1- Open command prompt or Git Bash on xampp/htdocs directory.
  2. Step2- Create Laravel New Project write this command composer create-project –prefer-dist laravel/laravel devopsschool “5.8.*”

How do I make myself admin in laravel 8?

How to make Admin Auth in Laravel8 with Example?

  1. Step – 1 : Add guards.
  2. Step – 2 : Add Admin Model.
  3. Step – 3 : Add Admin Auth Middleware.
  4. Step – 4 : Add Middlewave in Kernel.
  5. Step – 5 : Make Change in RouteServiceProvider.
  6. Step – 6 : Add Admin Login Routes.
  7. Step – 7 : Create AdminAuhController.

What is multi authentication in laravel?

For any application, we have different numbers of users that have roles and permissions which differentiate the users, we need to have multi-auth functionality in our application. Laravel provides the ability to authenticate users with different user roles, permissions, multi-authentication, social login, and more.

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How do you Auth in laravel 8?

Steps for Laravel 8 authentication

  1. Create a Laravel 8 project.
  2. Install the Laravel UI package.
  3. Generate auth scaffolding.
  4. Install NPM dependencies.
  5. Test the authentication system.
  6. Restrict the required routes.
  7. Change the necessary configuration.

What is multi Auth in Laravel?

How do you get Auth User role in Laravel?

Get current user’s role

  1. $user->attachRole($role);
  2. public function index() { $user = \Auth::user(); $name=$user->name; $roles = $user->getRoles(); return view(‘index’, compact(‘name’,’roles’)); }
  3. $user->roles.
  4. $roles = $user->getRoleNames();
  5. $user->hasRole();

What is Laratrust?

Laratrust is an easy and flexible way to add roles, permissions and teams authorization to Laravel.

What is Voyager in Laravel?

Voyager is a Laravel package that provides a full administration system for the framework in its “skeleton app” form. Voyager has 4 main features: Media Manager – Built on top of Intervention Image, it provides a fully functional media manager that allow us to view, edit, and delete images from storage.