
What is national investment fund NIF?

What is national investment fund NIF?

The Govt. of India constituted the National Investment Fund (NIF) on 3rd November, 2005, into which the proceeds from disinvestment of Central Public Sector Enterprises were to be channelized. The NIF was initialized with the disinvestment proceeds of two CPSEs namely PGCIL and REC, amounting to Rs 1814.45 crore.

How can the National Investment Fund NIF created by the Government of India be utilized?

As per this Scheme, 75\% of the annual income of the NIF was to be used for financing selected social sector schemes which promote education, health and employment. The residual 25\% of the annual income of NIF was to be used to meet the capital investment requirements of profitable and revivable PSUs.

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How is Niif funded?

Types of NIIF Funds NIIF funds were found to primarily invest in the infra-related projects across the country by building the capital from both domestic and international investors. Master Fund: This fund primarily invests in infra-related projects such as roads, ports, airports, and power.

Are NIF and Niif same?

Note: You should not confuse National Investment Fund (NIF) and National Innovation Foundation (NIF) with National Investment and Infrastructure Fund (NIIF). All three are different concepts.

Is Niif an organ of Niti Aayog?

National Investment and Infrastructure Fund (NIIF) is a fund created by the government of India for enhancing infrastructure financing in the country. This is different from the National Investment Fund. It is not an organ of NITI aayog.

Who holds public account of India?

The Public Account of India was constituted by Article 266(2) of the Indian Constitution which states that “All other public moneys received by or on behalf of the Government of India or the Government of a State shall be credited to the public account of India or the public account of the State, as the case may be.” …

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What is AIF Upsc?

The Agriculture Infrastructure Fund (AIF) was announced in May 2020 by the Government of India for farm-gate infrastructure for farmers. Government schemes, especially for the agriculture sector, are important for the UPSC exam prelims and mains.

What are public funds in India?

Article 266 of the Constitution defines the Public Account as being those funds that are received on behalf of the Government of India.