
What is Nic code for trading business?

What is Nic code for trading business?

Code NIC 47 Retail trade, except of motor vehicles and motorcycles.

How do I find my company’s NIC code?

The NIC code for retailers can be found out quite easily if you visit the website The NIC code for retail business will not be very easy to find unless you visit this website. The NIC code for the retail business is mostly a two-digit number that varies from company to company.

What is 2 digit NIC code?

2 and 3 digit codes represent the Group of Business activity, 4 Digit Code represents a class of business activity and 5 digit code represents Sub-Class Of Business activity.

What is Nic code for MSME registration?

The NIC Code in MSME is a classification system that enables one to classify the business activities carried by various Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises. It is a numeric code in the form of a 2 to 3 digit code, a four-digit code, and a five-digit code.

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What is NIC code MSME for trading business?


NIC Code Activity
46 Wholesale trade except of motor vehicles and motor cycles 47
47 Retail Trade Except of Motor Vehicles and motor cycles
97 Activities of households as employees for domestic personnel
98 Undifferentiated goods and services producing activities of private households for own use

What is Nic code for pharma distributors?

Code NIC 46497 Wholesale of pharmaceutical and medical goods.

What is NIC Code of product?

National Industrial Classification Code : The National Industrial Classification Code (“NIC Code”) is a statistical standard for developing and maintaining a comparable data base for various economic activities.

What is the NIC code 2008?

National Industrial Classification 2008 (NIC-2008) is a revised version of NIC-2004. The National Industrial Classification 2008 seeks to provide a basis for the standardized collection, analysis and dissemination of industry (economic activity) wise economic data for India.

Who prepare NIC code?

NIC code for your business to obtain Udyog Aadhar or register a company or LLP in India. NIC code or National Industrial Classification is a classification system used to track activities undertaken by a business. NIC code is used by majority of the Government Departments in India to classify businesses.

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How do I get a NIC code?

One has to apply for registration on the Udyam portal, to register as micro, small or medium sized businesses under the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise Development Act, 2006. While applying for registration on the Udyam portal , a NIC code needs to be submitted.