
What is non-human traffic?

What is non-human traffic?

Non-human traffic refers to online page views and clicks generated by “robotic,” (rather than human) website visitors that creates inaccurate, inflated measurements. Extreme Reach is a key partner to advertisers in this fight against non-human ad fraud.

How much Internet traffic is non-human?

A report released recently by Incapsula, a cloud-based web-security service, found that 61.5 percent of all website traffic now comes from these non-human visitors. If you’re reading this and you’re human, you’re apparently in the minority.

How is non-human traffic detected?

There are few well-known prevention methods used for bot detection on websites.

  1. CAPTCHA: CAPTCHA is a traditional technique that is used to ensure that your customers are real humans and not bots that are written to skew your website analytics?
  2. Web Application Firewall (WAF):
  3. Rate Limiting:
  4. Bot Mitigation Solution:
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What is bot traffic?

Bot traffic describes any non-human traffic to a website or an app. The term bot traffic often carries a negative connotation, but in reality bot traffic isn’t necessarily good or bad; it all depends on the purpose of the bots. Most companies welcome these sorts of bots on their sites.

Why does bot traffic exist?

The purpose is to gain access to (and abuse) user accounts. Because people tend to use the same username-password combination for all their accounts, they often have a quite high success rate. These bots post spam content or send spam emails in bulk, often including links to fraudulent websites.

Are internet bots illegal?

Online ticket scalping is illegal thanks to the federal Better Online Ticket Sales (BOTS) Act of 2016. But other types of scalping bots are legal-ish, said Imperva’s Roberts. While they may technically violate a website’s terms of service, in practice those rules are seldom enforced.