
What is on demand examination system?

What is on demand examination system?

The On Demand Examination System (ODES) is a Learner-centric Examination System. It allows the learners to take the examination when he/she is ready. Readiness depends on the learner and not on the institution. It reduces the threat of failure in examination.

What is stream 1 and stream 2 in NIOS?

Stream 1 is applicable to all the new learners and the admission process is done in two blocks. Stream 2 is for those candidates who are eligible but couldn’t attend the boards examination of secondary or senior secondary levels for same subject.

Is NIOS on demand exam valid?

There will be no On-Demand Examination during the month of April, May, October, and November. The facility of Transfer of Credit (TOC) od ‘2’passed paper from your board will be taken by the NIOS and the learner will have to write only 3 papers for certification.

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Is NIOS on demand exam tough?

The NIOS exam is really easy, but not means that you do not have to study. You can score good marks in NIOS exam if you concentrate on your studies with a little hard work. NIOS also conducts On-Demand Examination in which students can appear in only that paper in which they have failed in their previous board exams.

What are the benefits of exam on demand?

The advantages of ODE can be stated as follows Attempts to remove the stress of appearing in examination(s), whether for all subjects or in one subject at a fixed time and schedule. Attempts to remove the threat of failure in examination. Removes frustration, loss of self esteem, peer group ridicule, depression etc.

How do I check my On Demand results?

How to check NIOS On-Demand Result 2021 for Revaluation/Rechecking

  1. Go to the website
  2. Now Click on the link for Revaluation/rechecking result.
  3. Enter your enrolment number and captcha.
  4. Click on the submit button.
  5. The NIOS On-Demand result 2021 for Revaluation will be displayed on your screen.
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What are the four streams in Nios?

NIOS Streams of Study – Stream 1, 2, 3 & 4. The admissions in these four NIOS streams are mutually exclusive i.e., the learner can only opt for one of them.

What is on demand exam Nios?

The basic concept of On Demand Examination is that NIOS Student can walk into the examination center as and when he/she feel ready for the examination. At present, ODES is being conducted at NIOS HQ at NOIDA and at its Regional Centres/Sub Centres of NIOS in the following subjects at Secondary and Sr. Secondary level.

What if I fail in Nios on demand?

If you are fail in your board exams of senior secondary (class 12th), don’t worry at all. You still have a chance to pass your board exams in the same year under the NIOS On-Demand Examination System. The ODE is ideal to help you to get one more opportunity to pass your exam in the same year.

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How many times can I give Nios on demand exam?

Knowledge of results is almost immediate and success, even in one subject, is a strong motivating factor. Degree and level of performance is decided by the Student who can reappear in the examination as many times as one wants, till satisfied.

Is Nios easy than CBSE?

The Syllabus and Exam level in NIOS is low as compared to the CBSE Board Exams. The Passing Certificate of NIOS is nearly valid in all the Universities and Colleges of India and is govt. recognized. As compaed to CBSE NIOs is bit harder to learn.

Is Nios on demand exam Cancelled 2021?

NIOS had cancelled the board exams for both classes 10 and 12 last year amid the Covid-19 pandemic. NIOS is the only education board in the country that delivers secondary and senior secondary education in 14 languages. However, due to the Covid-19 situation, it could not conduct its board exams in both 2021 and 2020.