
What is OSC caste?

What is OSC caste?

Weak and Under Privileged Classes/Social Castes (OSC) RBA. Residents of Backward Area (RBA) ALC. Residents of Area Adjoining Actual Line of Control (ALC)

What is the other name of OBC category?

Other Backward Class
Other Backward Class (OBC) is a collective term used by the Government of India to classify castes which are educationally or socially disadvantaged.

What are the two types of OBC?

Other Backward Class Category is divided into two categories namely creamy layer OBC and non-creamy layer OBC by the government of India.

Is RBA an OBC?

Yes RBA fall under OBC category and RBA and OBC are the same categories. RBA is the resident of backward area.

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Are Bhardwaj scheduled caste?

yes schedule caste Bhardwaj do exist…. But plzz note I am not against caste system but I am against discrimination based on caste…

What is the difference between OBC and OBC?

Normal OBC Category is the creamy layer OBC Category, which doesn’t enjoy any type of reservation benefits and is treated equally to General Category student while OBC- NCL is the OBC Category with annual income less than 4.5 lakh which is really the reserved OBC Category and have reservations in the Competition exam …

How do I know if I belong to OBC?

Check your parent’s salary for the last three consecutive years. If in any of the last 3 years it is below 8 lakhs, you are qualified for OBC Non-creamy layer status, provided income from other sources is also less than 8 lakhs.

Is OBC and PWD are same?

Abbreviations Stands for – SC – Scheduled Caste, ST – Scheduled Tribe, OBC – Other Backward Classes, UR – Un reserved, PWD-Persons With Disability, VI- Visual Impaired, HI- Hearing Impaired, OC- Orthopaedically Challenged, ID- Intellectual Disability. PWD- Person with disability.

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Is Shetty scheduled caste?

The squad report says the Shettys belong to the upper caste and not Scheduled Caste,” said Kamtekar. The Shettys claimed in their caste certificates that they belong to “Hindu Bunt” community. “The Shettys sought to project a wrong caste status. They belong to Hindu Bunts community,which is an upper caste in Karnataka.

Is Reddy scheduled caste?

Reddy (also transliterated as Raddi, Reddi, Reddiar, Reddappa, Reddy) is a caste that originated in India, predominantly settled in Andhra Pradesh and Telangana. They are classified as a forward caste….

Classification Forward caste
Religions Hinduism
Languages Telugu
Country India