
What is PGP CC?

What is PGP CC?

The PGP-CC program is focused on empowering technology professionals for fast-track careers in Cloud and Distributed computing. The program is designed and delivered in collaboration with industry experts and prepares candidates for roles in Cloud Architecture and Dev Ops.

Is PGP equal to masters?

The Post Graduate Programme in Management (PGP) is a master’s level programme, leading to the grant of a degree of Master of Business Administration (MBA). The two-year fulltime residential programme is designed to equip students to take on leadership roles in an increasingly complex and dynamic global scenario.

Why choose data science certification PGP from Grate lakes?

Data Science certification PGP from Grate Lakes – Why Choose this? Great Lakes’ PGP-DSE (Full-Time) is a 5-month full-time program for fresh graduates and early career professionals looking to build their career in data science & analytics.

What is PGP-DSE (full time)?

Great Lakes’ PGP-DSE (Full-Time) is a 5-month full-time program for fresh graduates and early career professionals looking to build their career in data science & analytics. In the rapidly changing tech domain, data science and engineering has become core to every business and enterprise.

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Is the PGP-Babi course worth it for a data scientist?

The course is really worth the go for data science aspirants. It’s really nicely packaged and you would surely become a better person in dealing with data after you pass-out from this course. I completed the PGP-BABI program recently and it has been extremely helpful for me.

What is the fee structure of data science and engineering at Great Lakes?

Great Lakes (OBP) Post Graduate Program In Data Science and Engineering (PGP-DSE) (Full Time) Fee Structure: INR 300,000 Plus GST as applicable. In case our students want to finance the course they can avail a loan at a substantially lower rate of interest than the market.