
What is polling in mobile communication?

What is polling in mobile communication?

In electronic communication, ‘polling’ is the continuous checking of other programs or devices by one progam or device to see what state they are in, usually to see whether they are still connected or want to communicate.

What is polling an API?

APIs commonly require a client to send a request to the server to receive new data; that is, the page requests data from the server. This pattern is known as polling and is a common solution for clients that need to become aware of new data or notified of backend events.

What is active polling?

From time to time, PF_RING users ask us whether they should use passive polling techniques (i.e. call pfring_poll()) or use active polling that basically means to implement an active loop until the next packet to process becomes available.

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What is polling in microcontroller?

In polling, the microcontroller continuously monitors the status of a given device and executes the task the device needed when the status will satisfy the condition. After that, it moves on to monitor the next device until each one is served.

Is polling bad programming?

Polling is not “wrong” as such. A lot depends on how it is implemented and for what purpose. If you really care about immedatly notification of a change, it is very efficient. Your code sits in tight loop, constantly polling (asking) a resource whether it has changed / updated.

What is polling in web development?

Polling is a technique by which the client asking the server for new data regularly. In simple terms, Short polling is an AJAX-based timer that calls at fixed delays whereas Long polling is based on Comet (i.e server will send data to the client when the server event happens with no delay).

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What is a polling server?

In queueing theory, a discipline within the mathematical theory of probability, a polling system or polling model is a system where a single server visits a set of queues in some order. The model has applications in computer networks and telecommunications, manufacturing and road traffic management.