
What is post processing in CFD?

What is post processing in CFD?

Post-processing computational fluid dynamics (CFD) data is a vital step in order to accurately derive the right conclusions from the models, present the results to decision-makers, and ensure the best product design. Design decisions require optimization studies which mean a large number of individual CFD simulations.

When was CFD first used in F1?

CFD in Motorsports In the early 1990s, two-dimensional flow simulations were used by the first F1 teams to optimize the profiles of rear wing elements. In the following years, the adoption of CFD within Formula One growed gradually with the increasing availability of computational resources.

How do I use Ansys CFD-post?

To run CFD-Post standalone, from the Start menu, right-click All Programs / ANSYS 12.0 / Fluid Dynamics / CFD-Post and select Properties. Type the path to your working directory in the Start in field and click OK, then click All Programs / ANSYS 12.0 / Fluid Dynamics / CFD-Post to launch CFD-Post.

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What kind of results can I get from CFD?

Using CFD, you are able to analyze complex problems involving fluid-fluid, fluid-solid or fluid-gas interaction. Engineering fields where CFD analyses are frequently used are for example aerodynamics and hydrodynamics, where quantities such as lift and drag or field properties as pressures and velocities are obtained.

What Ansys Fluent can do?

Ansys Fluent generates accurate and reliable fluid simulation results

  • Streamlined Workflows.
  • Battery Modeling.
  • Electric Motor Cooling.
  • Turbulence Modeling.
  • Multiphase Flows.
  • Combustion Models.

How do I open fluent results in CFD?

If the Open CFD-Post option is disabled, you can go to CFD-Post and select Load Results, under the File menu. This will load all of the results files the case is using and retain the state file.