
What is Push Service app in Lenovo?

What is Push Service app in Lenovo?

The LSF is used to receive push notifications from Lenovo servers such as product promotions (e.g., app download recommendations), news, notices, surveys, and the like. In some cases, the push notifications are used to facilitate emergency app repairs and upgrades.

What is push messages on Galaxy s9?

A push message is a notification that pops up on your screen even when you’re not using an app. Samsung push messages come up on your device in several ways. They display in your phone’s notification bar, show application icons at the top of the screen and generate text-based notification messages.

What is COM Lenovo LSF user?

The vulnerabilities are all tied to the Lenovo Service Framework (LSF), which is an Android-based application exclusively utilized by Lenovo products. The first vulnerability patched, CVE-2017-3758, is defined by Lenovo in their security advisory as being due to “improper access controls on several Android components.”

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Where can I find push notifications?

Turn on notifications for Android devices

  1. Tap More on the bottom navigation bar and select Settings.
  2. Tap Turn on notifications.
  3. Tap Notifications.
  4. Tap Show notifications.

What is ethereum push notification?

Ethereum Push Notification Service (EPNS) is a Notification Protocol which enables users (Wallet Addresses) to receive notifications. Using the protocol, any dApp, service or smart contract can send notifications to users(wallet addresses) in a platform agnostic way (mobile, tablet, web, fav. wallets, etc).

What is Zoom notification push?

Push Notifications: Choose if you want to receive push notifications for: All messages: Receive push notifications for all messages for this group. Only direct messages, mentions: Receive push notification only if you are tagged using a chat mention or the @all mention is used.