
What is rot and example?

What is rot and example?

Rot means something decayed or decomposed. An example of a rot is a moldy, smelly piece of fruit. Rot is defined as to decay or decompose. An example of rot is for an apple to go bad.

What is rot short?


Acronym Definition
ROT Redundant, Outdated, or Trivial (material on web pages; US EPA)
ROT Record Of Trial
ROT Remotely Operated Tool
ROT Receive Only Terminal

What does it mean to tell someone to rot?

to become weak, debilitated, or depressed through inertia, confinement, etc; languish. rotting in prison. 4. to become or cause to become morally corrupt or degenerate.

What does rot stand for in business?

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ROT (redundant, obsolete or trivial) is digital documentation that an organization continues to retain even though the information that is documented has no business or legal value.

Is rotting and decaying the same thing?

As verbs the difference between rot and decay is that rot is to suffer decomposition due to biological action, especially by fungi or bacteria while decay is to deteriorate, to get worse, to lose strength or health, to decline in quality.

What does rot mean in military?

Reimbursable Over Time (ROT) User Fee: Frequently Asked Questions and Answers.

What is Rot shipping?

ROT – Request Of Transport.

What is the synonym of rot?

Some common synonyms of rot are decay, decompose, putrefy, and spoil.

What is it called when something is rotting?

Some common synonyms of rot are decay, decompose, putrefy, and spoil. While all these words mean “to undergo destructive dissolution,” rot is a close synonym of decompose and often connotes foulness.

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What does RFC stand for in shipping?

You enter an RFC (return for credit) order in Sales Order Entry (40.100. 00). When you do this, you notice the Ship-to Address on the Shipping Information Tab is the Default Customer Address ID from Accounts Receivable Customer Maintenance, not the Ship To Address defined on the original Sales Order.

What is CMO shipping?

Shipping agent will advise on Container Movement Order (CMO) to indicate where the empty container is to be returned to.