
What is saturation current in photoelectric effect formula?

What is saturation current in photoelectric effect formula?

The frequency and intensity of the incident light are kept constant. The positive voltage given to the anode is gradually increased and the corresponding value of the photocurrent is recorded. The maximum value of the photoelectric current is called the saturation current.

How do you find the current in photoelectric effect?

Use I = Q/t to figure out the resulting current. It is incorrect to use the 3 microwatts on the electron side because much of the power is lost in knocking those electrons loose. That 1.89 eV you calculated, is the kinetic energy of the emitted electron- it is not voltage. (voltage is work/charge).

Why do we get saturation current in photoelectric effect?

When the voltage is increased up to a certain level, every electron that gets released is able to reach the other electrode, but as the number of electrons getting released is constant, current too becomes constant (saturation current) and no further increase in voltage will cause increase in current.

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Does saturation current depend on wavelength?

The saturation current depends on the intensity of light, not on frequency. Hence no matter how much is the frequency for the same intensity of light, the saturation photocurrent will be same.

What is saturation current formula?

Hint: We know that the current that flows in reverse bias PN junction diode is called reverse saturation current. From the diode current equation I=Is(eVηVT−1) the current should decrease as the temperature is increased but the opposite happens.

What is the formula of saturation current?

How does saturation current depend on frequency?

The saturation current depends on the intensity of the light,for a given frequency. More photons correspond to more electrons. One photon knock out one electron and if you increase the number of photons (or increase the intensity) you increase the current.

How do you calculate saturation current in a pn junction diode?

= reverse saturation current (A) vD = voltage applied to diode (V) q = electronic charge (1.60 x 10-19 C) k = Boltzmann’s constant (1.38 x 10-23 J/K) T = absolute temperature (Kelvins) n = non-ideality factor (dimensionless) VT = kT/q = thermal voltage (V) (25 mV at room temp.)

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What is the value of electric current?

The Formula for Electric Current The symbol for electric current is I. Thus, an electric wire is said to carry a current of 1 ampere when charge flows through it with the rate of one coulomb per second.