
What is sequence to sequence problem?

What is sequence to sequence problem?

A special class of these problems is called a sequence to sequence modelling problem, where the input as well as the output are a sequence. Examples of sequence to sequence problems can be: 1. Machine Translation – An artificial system which translates a sentence from one language to the other. 2.

What is sequence to sequence prediction?

Sequence-to-sequence prediction involves predicting an output sequence given an input sequence. For example: Given: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Predict: 6, 7, 8, 9, 10.

What is encoder and decoder in neural network?

An Encoder-Decoder architecture was developed where an input sequence was read in entirety and encoded to a fixed-length internal representation. A decoder network then used this internal representation to output words until the end of sequence token was reached.

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Why do we sequence sequences?

Sequence to Sequence (often abbreviated to seq2seq) models is a special class of Recurrent Neural Network architectures that we typically use (but not restricted) to solve complex Language problems like Machine Translation, Question Answering, creating Chatbots, Text Summarization, etc.

What is sequential neural network?

Sequence models are the machine learning models that input or output sequences of data. Sequential data includes text streams, audio clips, video clips, time-series data and etc. Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) is a popular algorithm used in sequence models. Here both the input and output are sequences of data.

Why is sequence necessary?

Sequencing is one of many skills that contributes to students’ ability to comprehend what they read. The ability to sequence events in a text is a key comprehension strategy, especially for narrative texts. Sequencing is also an important component of problem-solving across subjects.

What is sequence to sequence modeling?

Definition of the Sequence to Sequence Model Introduced for the first time in 2014 by Google, a sequence to sequence model aims to map a fixed-length input with a fixed-length output where the length of the input and output may differ.

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What does encoder do in neural network?

Encoder decoder models allow for a process in which a machine learning model generates a sentence describing an image. It receives the image as the input and outputs a sequence of words. This also works with videos.

What is sequence to sequence Autoencoder?

Process data consists of action sequences. To extract features from process data by autoencoders, we need to construct an autoencoder that takes an action sequence and produce a reconstructed action sequence. In short, we need a sequence-to-sequence autoencoder.

What is input sequence?

These types represent all the different kinds of sequence that can be used as input of a Tokenizer. Globally, any sequence can be either a string or a list of strings, according to the operating mode of the tokenizer: raw text vs pre-tokenized .