
What is subsystem level verification?

What is subsystem level verification?

Subsystem Verification Step Description Once components are verified and integrated into subsystems, these higher level assemblies are also individually verified before being integrated with others to produce yet larger assemblies, until the complete system has been integrated and verified.

What is subsystem in SOC?

A subsystem typically involves multiple related IP functions, each of which may be very large in its own right. These related IP functions combine to perform a new function, but must do so in a way that is applicable to a wide range of applications.

What is IPS in VLSI?

An Intellectual Property (IP) core in Semiconductors is a reusable unit of logic or functionality or a cell or a layout design that is normally developed with the idea of licencing to multiple vendor for using as building blocks in different chip designs.

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What is the difference between SoC verification and ASIC verification?

ASIC verification mostly deals with IP verification at block level and top level,building VIP along with the Testsuite, Assertion based verification and that too categorised around Hard IP and Soft IP. SOC verification is a part of ASIC verification.

What is the difference between SOC and ASIC chips?

I would say not much of a difference. The goal of verification – whether it is an ASIC or an SOC – remains same to weed out all bugs from the design before tape out. ASIC are chips meant for a specific application and a specific customer while SOC are a class of chips with embedded processors/micro controllers and several other IP cores.

What is the difference between a SOC and a VIP/IP?

Verifying a VIP/IP is like unit/block level verification of that specific VIP/IP block. An SOC will have several design blocks (IPs) all integrated together and a testbench for an SOC will need to be more complicated and will need several such VIPs to stimulate and verify different interfaces.

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What is the difference between an ASIC and an ASSP?

Based on this viewpoint, I tend to think of an ASSP as being a digital component that is created using ASIC tools and technologies, the difference being that ASICs are created and used by a single company in a specific system, while ASSPs are more general-purpose devices that are intended for use by multiple design houses.