
What is the benefit of using satellite?

What is the benefit of using satellite?

Satellites that circle the globe provide the most accurate weather reports and warn us of impending storms; they monitor our climate every day, helping to track increasing rates of climate change and its effects, such as rising seas and changing moisture levels, wildfires and atmospheric changes; they connect millions …

What are the advantages of satellite communication over terrestrial communication?

It has a number of advantages:

  • Mobile communication can be easily established by satellite communication.
  • Satellite communication is economical compared with terrestrial communication particularly where long distances are involved.
  • User has control over their own network.
  • It spreads over a large geographical area.

What satellites does Sirius use?

XM-3 and XM-4 are the active satellites for the XM service and replaced the original XM-1 and XM-2 satellites (which were placed into disposal orbits). Sirius FM-5 and FM-6 function as the primaries for the Sirius side.

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What are two advantages of satellite radio?

Satellite radio has several advantages over conventional AM and FM stations:

  • It’s broadcast over clear, static-free digital signals from orbiting satellites.
  • You can receive the same radio content virtually anywhere you drive throughout the U.S. and Canada without ever losing a station by going out of range.

What are advantages and disadvantages of satellite?

➨It covers wide area of the earth hence entire country or region can be covered with just one satellite. ➨It provides wider bandwidth based on SCPC or MCPC allocation types. ➨It co-exists with terrestrial microwave line of sight communication. ➨It is easy to install and manage the ground station sites.

How can a satellite be used for communications?

In order that a satellite can be used for communications purposes the ground station must be able to follow it in order to receive its signal, and transmit back to it. Communications will naturally only be possible when it is visible, and dependent upon the orbit it may only be visible for a short period of time.

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How can we make satellites last longer in orbit around Earth?

The first is to use an elliptical orbit where the apogee is above the planned Earth station so that the satellite remains visible for the maximum amount of time. Another option is to launch a number of satellites with the same orbit so that when one disappears from view, and communications are lost, another one appears.

What type of satellites occupy a low Earth orbit?

Similarly satellite systems used for satellite navigation systems like Navstar or Global Positioning (GPS) system occupy a relatively low Earth orbit. There are also many other types of satellite from weather satellites to research satellites and many others.

Where is the ground track of a satellite on Earth?

Also for satellites with equatorial orbits the ground track is along the equator. For these orbits it is usually found that the ground-track shifts towards the west for each orbit because the Earth is rotating towards the east underneath the satellite. Orbital nodes: These are the points where the ground track passes from one hemisphere to another.