
What is the best open educational resources?

What is the best open educational resources?

Free Learning

  • MIT OCW. As the forerunner of the Open Educational Resource movement, MIT’s Open CourseWare is still one of the most valuable OERs for both learners and teachers.
  • Lumen Learning.
  • Khan Academy.
  • Merlot.
  • OER Commons.
  • OpenStax.
  • Academic Earth.
  • Learningpod.

What are some examples of open educational resources?

Open Educational Resources

  • Open Courseware.
  • Learning Modules.
  • Open Textbooks.
  • Streaming Videos.
  • Open Access Journals.
  • Online Tutorials.
  • Digital Learning Objects.

What are the advantages of OER?

Advantages of using OERs include:

  • expanded access to learning.
  • scalability.
  • augmentation of class materials.
  • enhancement of regular course content.
  • quick circulation.
  • showcasing of innovation and talent.
  • ties for alumni.
  • continually improved resources.

What makes a good educational resource?

So what makes a good resource? One that’s accurate, useful, efficient, and relevant. This is what we hope to achieve with resources on Learn Chemistry. With so much material out there, there should never be any need to rely on a resource that’s ‘good enough’.

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What are the importance of open educational resources OER in teacher education?

The main purpose of the use of OER is to facilitate access to education and to enable collaborative and participatory teaching and learning. OER are expected to broaden access to education, to reduce the costs of materials and to improve the overall quality of education.

What is DepEd open educational resources?

The DepEd Open Educational Resources (OER) is an innovative pathway to connect the disconnected schools with its prime role to support the requirements of the K-12 Curriculum. This is the beginning of revolutionzing education in the Philippines to teach minds, touch hearts and transform lives of learners.

Which are the goals of open educational resources?

OER provide a strategic opportunity to improve the quality of learning and knowledge sharing as well as improve policy dialogue, knowledge-sharing and capacity-building globally.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of open educational resources?

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Pros and Cons of Using OERs for Instruction

  • expanded access to learning. Students anywhere in the world can access OERs at any time, and they can access the material repeatedly.
  • scalability. OERs are easy to distribute widely with little or no cost.
  • modify course resources to better align with learning outcomes.

What are the characteristics of a good resource?

So what makes a good resource? One that’s accurate, useful, efficient, and relevant.

What are the three major components of open educational resources?

Open educational resources include full courses, course materials, modules, textbooks, streaming videos, tests, software, and any other tools, materials, or techniques used to support access to knowledge.