
What is the best residence hall at Northeastern?

What is the best residence hall at Northeastern?

Top 7 Residences at Northeastern University

  • International Village. Residence Address: 1175 Tremont St, Boston, MA 02120 International Village is located next to the T (subway and bus) station and is nearby the academic mall.
  • 153 Hemenway Street.
  • White Hall.
  • Loftman Hall.
  • Stetson East Hall.
  • 116 St.
  • Speare Hall.

Does northeastern have nice dorms?

It also includes a gourmet dining hall and many class rooms. The Northeastern Dorms are among the nicest you will find at any college anywhere.

Where do most Northeastern University students live?

Apartment Complexes The majority of upperclass students are housed in apartment-style residences at 780 Columbus, Loftman Hall, Davenport Commons, and West Village G and H. There are economy, standard, and enhanced rooms to accommodate students of all financial circumstances.

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Which LLC is best at Northeastern?

LLCs. The honors LLC is the most exclusive one, because you have to invited in; but if you want to spend a good amount of your time studying, this is probably the place for you.

Do northeastern dorms have kitchens?

The majority of bedrooms are single and double occupancy with a shared bathroom, kitchen or kitchenette and, in some cases living rooms. Please note that limited numbers of each room type are available. We have Economy, Standard and Enhanced rooms to meet your pricing needs.

Can you choose your roommate at Northeastern?

If you have a friend you would like to live with, you can create a roommate group in your housing application! LLC’s are then assigned to buildings after the application deadline in order to assign as many students to their top choice LLC.

How many northeastern students live on campus?

Northeastern University has a total undergraduate enrollment of 15,156 (fall 2020), with a gender distribution of 49\% male students and 51\% female students. At this school, 33\% of the students live in college-owned, -operated or -affiliated housing and 67\% of students live off campus.