
What is the best thing to put on eyebrows after Microblading?

What is the best thing to put on eyebrows after Microblading?

Apply a rice grain amount of aftercare ointment (Aquaphor) on each eyebrow with a cotton swab and clean hands, spread a VERY THIN layer of the ointment across the treated area every morning and night.

Is dry healing better for Microblading?

The best results come from the “Do Nothing” or “Dry Healing” method. The absolute best results come from keeping your brows extremely DRY for the next 10 days! Keeping them dry makes them retain more detail, better color, and more crisp strokes, so it’s worth it.

How do you care for Microblading aftercare?

Follow these steps to properly take care of your skin after microblading:

  1. Avoid getting the area wet for up to 10 days, which includes keeping your face dry during a shower.
  2. Don’t wear makeup for at least a week.
  3. Don’t pick at scabs, tug, or itch the eyebrow area.
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How long do you use Aquaphor after microblading?

Apply Aquaphor to the treatment site twice a day/as needed for 6 days. Avoid sun exposure for 4 weeks. You may ice your eyes as needed avoiding any condensation or moisture on the treatment site.

How do you care for microblading aftercare?

Can I put Aquaphor on my Microbladed eyebrows?

If your brows feel tight or dry, you may apply an extremely thin layer of Aquaphor after cleansing (brows should not be greasy, glossy, or shiny – if so, you used too much). The following must be avoided for 10 days post-microblading procedure: Allowing any water to touch the brows!

Is it normal for microblading to flake off?

After your initial microblading session, your skin should heal in 25 to 30 days. It’ll likely feel tender and painful at first, but this will go away over time. Your brows will also darken and lighten before revealing their final color. It’s normal for your skin to flake and peel as healing takes place.

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Why is Microblading aftercare important?

Microblading: The Aftercare Period After your microblading procedure, it’s very important to follow microblading aftercare period instructions. If you don’t follow the, you risk infection, and you risk the full benefits of having microbladed eyebrows.

Is aquaphor good for microblading?

Absolutely do not use any ointments, antibiotic creams or gels, or vitamin creams over the brow area – it will draw out the pigment. *Before showering apply a thick layer of Aquaphor to protect your eyebrows from moisture. And remove the Aquaphor gently after the shower.

What happens if you put too much Aquaphor on Microblading?

At night wash the treated area with warm water and mild soap like Cetaphil. Wash your hands with a disinfectant soap before washing your eyebrows and/or applying the post care cream. NOTE: Too much Aquaphor will cause the pigment to scab.

Is Aquaphor bad for Microblading?