
What is the common name for areca nut?

What is the common name for areca nut?

betel palm
Common names in English include areca palm, areca nut palm, betel palm, betel nut palm, Indian nut, Pinang palm and catechu. In English this palm is called the betel tree because its fruit, the areca nut, is often chewed along with the betel leaf, a leaf from a vine of the family Piperaceae.

Is nutmeg and betel nut same?

Nutmeg and beetle nut look much the same. However, they belongs to two different family and are not considered as true nuts rather they are drupe. Also, Nutmeg is used as spice in various dishes while beetle nut is used for tanning purposes.

What is the synonym of betel nut?

(Arecaceae) (local name: supari) is more commonly known as the areca palm or betel nut palm because its fruit is chewed often with betel leaf.

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Is supari a tobacco?

With the enforcement of this ban, people are switching to supari, (which is also called as areca nut / betelnut) whether in its plain form or products made of it. This means, chewing of Supari can also cause cancer, even though the contents of supari do not have tobacco or magnesium carbonate added to it.

What is Supari called in English?

betel nut(f) betel palm.

What is Supari made of?

It is available practically everywhere and is sold in ready-to-chew pouches called pan masala or supari, which is the dried form of the Areca Nut, as a mixture of many flavours whose primary base is dried areca nut crushed into small pieces.

What is the meaning of the betel nut?

betel nut. noun. the seed of the betel palm, chewed with betel leaves and lime by people in S and SE Asia as a digestive stimulant and narcotic.

What do you mean by betel?

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Definition of betel : a climbing pepper (Piper betle) of southeastern Asia whose leaves are chewed together with betel nut and mineral lime as a stimulant masticatory.

What is supari called in English?

Can we swallow supari?

The sweet supari, in their multicolored attractive pouches, is the most common chewed product in children. It is considered a harmless mouth freshener and therefore is consumed in larger amount and is kept in the mouth for a longer time and swallowed by the ignorant children.