
What is the correct sentence of the cattle are grazing in the field?

What is the correct sentence of the cattle are grazing in the field?

While most mass nouns are singular, cattle is always plural, so it takes a plural verb. Thus, the correct sentence would be “The cattle are grazing.” Cattle is the plural of cow in British English.

What is sentence of grazing?

the act of brushing against while passing. (1) There were cows grazing beside the river. (2) The cattle are grazing in the field. (3) Cattle were grazing in the field. (4) Horses are grazing in the pasture.

Which verb is used with cattle?

Originally Answered: Which verb is used after “the cattle” (is or are)? The cattle are thus-and-so is the correct form. The word cattle is defined as a group of bovine animals, so a plural verb is needed. If referring to a single bovine animal, the word to use with the singular verb “is” is cow, bull or steer.

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Which noun The cattle are grazing in the field?

It’s “Cattle are grazing” because “cattle” is a collective noun,in other words it’s a Plural word. Cattle, like sheep, is a plural number.

Do we say cattle or cattle?

Cattle can only be used in the plural and not in the singular: it is a plurale tantum. Thus one may refer to “three cattle” or “some cattle”, but not “one cattle”. No universally used singular form in modern English of “cattle” exists, other than the sex- and age-specific terms such as cow, bull, steer and heifer.

What is livestock grazing?

In agriculture, grazing is a method of animal husbandry whereby domestic livestock are allowed outdoors to roam around and consume wild vegetations in order to convert the otherwise indigestible (by human gut) cellulose within grass and other forages into meat, milk, wool and other animal products, often on land …

What do you mean by cattle grazing?

1 : to eat grass The cattle grazed. 2 : to supply with grass or pasture The farmer grazed the cattle.

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How do you use cattle in a sentence?

Cattle sentence example

  1. I lose some cattle every year.
  2. I could run a passel of cattle on that land.
  3. The town has large cattle markets and an agricultural trade.
  4. Do you lose many cattle to wolves?
  5. Large numbers of horses, cattle , swine and poultry are reared.

What is the sentence of a herd of cattle?

I don’t want to be in a herd of cattle”. “They slaughter a herd of cattle, almost 50. “You felt like a herd of cattle running through,” she said. “Spotting a herd of cattle, he says simply, ‘Bovine.

Is cattle plural or singular?

“Cattle” can only be used in the plural and not in the singular: it is a plurale tantum. Thus one may refer to “three cattle” or “some cattle”, but not “one cattle”.

Can I say a cattle?