
What is the dark side of the arranged marriage?

What is the dark side of the arranged marriage?

The same parents who “arrange” the marriage then make their son and daughter-in-law’s life a misery. They give the couple no space or privacy, they expect the daughter in law to function as a glorified servant, and they insist on being given precedence in all the couple’s decisions.

Why is the discussion of routine mundane?

Why is the discussion of routine, mundane tasks important to consider in long term romantic relationships? Most of the communication that takes place in these relationships falls in this category. The way couples handle these tasks reflects the balance of power in their relationship.

Are arranged marriages better than love marriages?

Arranged marriages provide equal stature, financial stability, cultural identity and the same opinions among partners and families, so, there is very less chance of disputes. The only downside to this is that partners do not know each other nor do they love each other before the marriage; well, most of the times.

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Is the family that includes your parents and your siblings?

Your family members are also called your relatives. You have an immediate or nuclear family and an extended family. Your immediate family includes your father, mother and siblings. Your extended family includes all of the people in your father and mother’s families.

How difficult is it to keep a marriage together?

Keeping a marriage together isn’t difficult. You (probably) have a billion dollar economy flowing around in couples councelling, marriage books, retreats for couples and whatnot, but if you are honest, is that all needed? Marriage to me has been straightforward. Resentment doesn’t grow overnight. It grows over years.

Is your marriage better now than before marriage?

Our marriage is better now than in the beginning. Our relationship is better now than before marriage. We have learned to speak our love languages, and learned how to communicate if we want to, or how to let the other be, and I have learned to say no. TLDR: No one knows how or why for sure, but marriage changes the relationship.

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How did your life change after marriage?

Exactly. After marriage we moved into my house. We moved her stuff to my house, bed, recliner, kids all into my house. We had room. We had space. Now we were in the four walls, four bedrooms, three plus car garage, and two bathrooms of one house. No longer the seven bedrooms, four bathrooms, five plus car garages of two houses.