
What is the difference between a rock mineral and ore?

What is the difference between a rock mineral and ore?

What is the difference between mineral, ore and rock? Minerals are naturally occurring inorganic solids with a crystalline structure and a definite range of chemical formula. Ores are concentrations of minerals in rock that are high enough to be economically extracted for use.

What is difference between mineral and ores?

Ores are the minerals from which metal can be extracted easily….Complete Answer:

Example: Clay is the mineral of Aluminium. Example: Bauxite and Cryolite are the ores of Aluminium.
Minerals may or may not contain a good percentage of metals. Ore always contains a good percentage of metal.

Are all minerals ores?

Ores are defined as the minerals that contain higher concentrations of certain elements which are most of the time metal. All ores are minerals, and metals can be extracted commercially. But all minerals are not ores because some of the minerals have unwanted substances.

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What are minerals ores?

Ore is natural rock or sediment that contains one or more valuable minerals, typically containing metals, that can be mined, treated and sold at a profit. Ore is extracted from the earth through mining and treated or refined, often via smelting, to extract the valuable metals or minerals.

Which are carbonate ores?

Other relatively common carbonate minerals serve as metal ores: siderite, for iron; rhodochrosite, for manganese; strontianite, for strontium; smithsonite, for zinc; witherite, for barium; and cerussite, for lead. Most such rock-forming carbonates belong to one of two structure groups—either calcite or aragonite.

Why are minerals not ores?

A mineral is a naturally occurring inorganic solid with definite chemical composition and a crystalline structure. All ores are minerals, and metals can be extracted commercially. But all minerals are not ores because some of the minerals have unwanted substances.