
What is the difference between cation exchange and anion exchange?

What is the difference between cation exchange and anion exchange?

The main difference between cation and anion resins is that one is positively charged (cation) and the other is negatively charged (anion).

Why is cation exchange used?

Cation exchange chromatography is used both for preparative and analytical purposes and can separate a large range of molecules from amino acids and nucleotides to large proteins.

How is cation and anion exchange process used for the treatment of hard water?

As hard water passes through a softener, the calcium and magnesium trade places with sodium ions (Figure 1). Sodium ions are held loosely and are replaced easily by calcium and magnesium ions. During this process, “free” sodium ions are released into the water.

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Does anion come before cation?

The positively charged ions are called cations, and the negatively charged ions are called anions.

What is the difference between anion and cation exchange chromatography?

Cation-exchange chromatography is used when the molecule of interest is positively charged. Anion-exchange chromatography is when the stationary phase is positively charged and negatively charged molecules (meaning that pH for chromatography is greater than the pI) are loaded to be attracted to it.

What is cation and anion exchange chromatography?

How does a cation exchanger work?

Anions are negatively charged ions, while cations are positively charged ions. During the cation exchange process, any positively charged ions that touch the resin will be exchanged with other positively charged ions that are found on the surface of the resin. These ions will usually be sodium ions.

Is it necessary to pass water through cation exchanger and then through anion exchanger what will happen if the process is reversed?

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If water first pass through an anion exchanger all the cations will convert to Hydroxides e.g Ca(OH)2, Mg(OH)2,NaOH etc. Because of Hydroxide the water pH will be high. Hence , calcium Hydroxide will be precipitated and block the exchanger.

What is anion and cation?

Cations are positively-charged ions (atoms or groups of atoms that have more protons than electrons due to having lost one or more electrons). Anions are negatively-charged ions (meaning they have more electrons than protons due to having gained one or more electrons).

What is the difference between cation and anion exchange chromatography?