
What is the difference between Ethernet NIC and wireless NIC?

What is the difference between Ethernet NIC and wireless NIC?

Stands for “Network Interface Card” and is pronounced “nick.” A NIC is a component that provides networking capabilities for a computer. Instead of an Ethernet port, wireless NICs are designed for Wi-Fi connections and often have an antenna to provide better wireless reception for the computer.

What is NIC in CCNA?

A network interface card (NIC) is a hardware component, typically a circuit board or chip, which is installed on a computer so it can connect to a network.

What type of cable is used to make an Ethernet connection between a host and a LAN switch?

Ethernet crossover cable
An Ethernet crossover cable is a crossover cable for Ethernet used to connect computing devices together directly. It is most often used to connect two devices of the same type, e.g. two computers (via their network interface controllers) or two switches to each other.

Which cable connectors are used to connect a cable from a router’s console port to a PC choose two?

RJ-45 to RJ-45 Rollover Cable The RJ-45 rollover cable forms the core of the connection between the router’s console port and your computer’s serial port. To ensure the RJ-45 cable is a rollover cable, hold up the two connectors with the rear tab of each connector facing away from you.

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What is NIC list types of NIC?

There are two types NIC they are,

  • Ethernet NIC.
  • Wireless Network NIC.

Which cable would you use to connect a PC to a router’s console port?

Rollover cable (also known as a Yost cable, Cisco cable, or a Console cable) is a type of null-modem cable that is used to connect a computer terminal to a router’s console port. This cable is typically flat (and has a light blue color) to help distinguish it from other types of network cabling.

What type of cable is required for 100BASE FX?

100Base-FX requires multimode fiber cable with two or more strands.