
What is the difference between homeopathic and allopathic medicine?

What is the difference between homeopathic and allopathic medicine?

Allopathic medicine follows constant research and testing so it is more evidence-based medication. Homeopathic medicine tries to strengthen the immune system through small doses of medicine. That’s why the doses can change from person to person.

How is homeopathic drug proving done?

In a homeopathic drug proving a homeopathically prepared substance is administered to healthy volunteers in order to produce the symptoms specific to that substance and thereby reveal its inherent curative powers.

What are the methods of drug proving?

  • Investigational Proving Substance. Drugs with the potential to develop pathogenetic effects will be Investigational Proving Substance (IPS) under the study.
  • Comparator (Placebo)
  • Study Sites.
  • Study Process.
  • Recruitment Process and Inclusion/Exclusion Criteria.
  • Randomisation and Blinding.
  • Intervention.
  • Study Medication.
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What is the vital force in homeopathy?

The theory of Vital force in homeopathy is a unique philosophy which accepts the existence of a spirit like energy that drives the living organism both in health and disease.

Who is the best prover in Homoeopathy?

Dr. Hahnemann in his δ141 of organon of medicine states that the healthy, unprejudiced and a sensitive physician himself is the best prover. So, the Best prover are the homoeopathic physicians and students themselves because, He/she understands what exactly he/she has experienced and observed on his/her body.

How can I learn homeopathy in India?

Homeopathy, like other regular medical courses, requires five and a half years medical training. This also includes one year of compulsory rotatory internship. Seats to BHMS are filled up through an All-India Entrance examination or regional/ State entrance examination.