
What is the difference between PSA and membrane nitrogen generator?

What is the difference between PSA and membrane nitrogen generator?

Is there a difference in production rate or gas purity between the two types of nitrogen generators? Nitrogen Separation Membranes can typically produce nitrogen at purities up to 99.5\%, while PSA nitrogen generators can achieve purities up to 99.9995\%.

What is PSA Tower in nitrogen plant?

HNS PSA Nitrogen Generators PSA technology utilizes two towers which are filled with carbon molecular sieve (CMS). Compressed air enters the bottom of the “online” tower and flows up through the CMS. Oxygen and other trace gases are preferentially adsorbed by the CMS, allowing nitrogen to pass through.

What is a nitrogen generator used for?

Nitrogen generators are used in hypoxic air fire prevention systems to produce air with a low oxygen content which will suppress a fire.

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How long do nitrogen generators last?

Just like any piece of equipment, everything boils down to preventative maintenance. If routine maintenance is followed the systems should last for well over 15 years.

How do you size a nitrogen generator?

Below are the steps for sizing a blanketing generator:

  1. Determine the gas flow rate due to the pump out.
  2. Find the gas flow rate due to atmospheric cooling.
  3. Add the requirements of 1 and 2 to get the flow rate capacity of the nitrogen generator needed.
  4. Determine the nitrogen purity level required for the application.

How does pressure swing adsorption PSA work?

Pressure swing adsorption process (PSA) is based on the phenomenon that under high pressure, gases tend to be trapped onto solid surfaces, i.e., to be “adsorbed”. The higher the pressure, the more gas is adsorbed. When the pressure is dropped, the gas is released, or desorbed.

How do PSA plants work?

The PSA process is a static separation of air gases via a specific molecular sieve designed to adsorb nitrogen under pressure, to produce oxygen-enriched air composed of 93\% oxygen and above.

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What are 5 uses for nitrogen?

5 Ways Nitrogen Is Used In Everyday Life

  • Gas Generators.
  • Industrial nitrogen generators.
  • nitrogen for construction.
  • nitrogen for food packaging.
  • nitrogen for food preservation.
  • nitrogen for manufacturing.
  • nitrogen for medicines.
  • nitrogen for soldering.