
What is the difference between Thevenin resistance and equivalent resistance?

What is the difference between Thevenin resistance and equivalent resistance?

A Thevenin equivalent circuit contains one Thevenin resistance and Thevenin voltage source connected with a load, as shown in the figure below. Thevenin resistance (Rth) is also known as equivalent resistance. And Thevenin voltage (Vth) is an open-circuit voltage across load terminals.

What is the main idea of a Thevenin equivalent circuit?

Thevenin’s Theorem is a technique that allows us to convert a circuit (often a complex circuit) into a simple equivalent circuit. The equivalent circuit consists of a constant voltage source and a single series resistor called the Thevenin voltage and Thevenin resistance, respectively.

What is the purpose of equivalent resistance?

In the equivalent resistance of a network, a single resistor could substitute the complete network so that for a specific applied voltage and/or the equivalent current can be obtained similar to the one when used as a network.

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What is the equivalent resistance of the network?

The equivalent resistance of a network is that single resistor that could replace the entire network in such a way that for a certain applied voltage V you get the same current I as you were getting for a network.

What is the equivalent resistance of the network shown in the figure?

Thus the effective resistance R of each loop is given by 1R = 12+14 giving R = 43 ohm. Therefore the equivalent resistance of the network = resistance of four loops connected in series each having an effective resistance of 43 ohm = 4× 43 = 163 ohm.

How can we determine the Thevenin resistance?

Thevenin’s Theorem in Action

  1. Find the Thevenin Resistance by removing all voltage sources and load resistor.
  2. Find the Thevenin Voltage by plugging in the voltages.
  3. Use the Thevenin Resistance and Voltage to find the current flowing through the load.