
What is the difference between Vandoren clarinet reeds?

What is the difference between Vandoren clarinet reeds?

Vandoren V12 reeds have a thicker heart and tip than the traditional blue box reeds. This allows for more color in the sound. This reed also has a longer palate that allows the reed to vibrate more, producing a sound with more depth and richness.

What number clarinet reed should I use?

The best reed for beginner clarinet is a size 2 or 2.5 reed. Most beginners start with Rico, Rico Royal, or Vandoren Brand Clarinet Reeds. Your teacher will most likely recommend one of these brands to start with. The size number indicates the thickness of the reed.

Are stronger reeds better?

Harder reeds produce a fuller sound in the upper register. They also project better and are more stable in pitch. These benefits really aren’t all that significant in many circumstances. However, they are worth taking into consideration if you are thinking of switching to a harder reed.

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What size clarinet reed should a beginner use?

The higher the number, the harder or more resistant the reed. Beginners, especially young people, will usually start with a #2 or #2.5, and will typically aim towards a #3 or #3.5 as they begin to play high C and above.

What is the difference between Vandoren and Vandoren V12 reeds?

Vandoren premium clarinet reeds each offer a slightly different profile and sound from the Traditional Blue Box reeds. V12 – These are cut from a thicker blank and longer palette to give you more color and flexibility in your sound. They’ll also give you a deeper, richer tone.

Which Vandoren reed is best for jazz?

Java Green – This is Vandoren’s brightest sounding jazz saxophone reed. It has great flexibility, bright sound and nice projection. Java Green reeds are available for tenor, alto, baritone and soprano saxophone.

Are Vandoren reeds good?

For classical playing, Vandoren has for many years been considered the best reed to use. It takes some time breaking the reeds in, but then you have reeds that produce a beautiful sound, with clean articulation and good projection.

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How do I know what strength reed to get?

The normal range for reeds is 2 to 5: the lower the number, the thinner the reed, and the higher the number, the thicker the reed. The thickness of the reed will affect the tone and how easy or difficult the instrument is to play. In general, a thinner reed, say 2 or 2.5, will have a brighter tone.

What reed strength should I use?

Most teachers recommend that a first-year musician use a 2 or 2.5 (soft or medium soft) reed. Anything stiffer may make it difficult to produce a sound while anything more flexible may produce a weak sound.

What do woodwind players use to play the notes with?

You play them by blowing air through the mouthpiece (that’s the “wind” in “woodwind”) and opening or closing the holes with your fingers to change the pitch. Metal caps called keys cover the holes of most woodwind instruments.

Which Vandoren reed is best clarinet?

V21 is the perfect reed for performances that require the ability to handle large interval leaps efficiently with an even and rich tone. If you are looking to try these reeds, Paige’s Music offers a Vandoren Mix Pack featuring the V12, 56 Rue Lepic, and V21 reeds.

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Who owns Vandoren?

Eugène Van Doren
The Vandoren company is a family business, founded by Eugène Van Doren, soloist at the Concerts Colonne orchestra. Continued by his son, clarinetist Robert Van Doren then by Bernard Van Doren, its actual President. Robert, Bernard’s son, joined the company in 2014.