
What is the fastest speed reached on a skateboard?

What is the fastest speed reached on a skateboard?

89.41 mph
— A Santa Cruz skateboarder broke the world record for fastest speed ever recorded on a skateboard. On Aug. 29, Kyle Wester reached a blistering 89.41 mph.

Is 25 mph fast on a skateboard?

For most people, around 22 mph to 25 mph on a skateboard is easily fast enough.

What is the fastest downhill skateboarding?

Downhill skateboarder hits 89 mph, breaks world record. On Aug. 29, at an undisclosed location in Colorado, professional downhill skateboarder Kyle Wester kicked into a hill and shattered the world record for the fastest speed ever recorded on a skateboard, reaching a blistering 89.41 miles per hour.

Are long boards faster?

Longboards are typically faster than skateboards due to their larger wheelbase (distance between trucks) and bigger wheels. Just how fast can you go on a longboard? Longboarding speed typically ranges from 6 mph when cruising, to 50-65 mph when downhill riding.

What is the fastest electric skateboard in the world?

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What’s the Fastest Electric Skateboard? NGV Nextboard is undoubtedly the fastest electric skateboard out there right now. Mischo Erban holds the Guinness world record for the fastest speed – 95.83 kmph (59.55 mph) achieved on NGV in the year 2016 – making it the fastest electric skateboard/longboard globally.

What is the fastest boosted board?

Boosted’s new Board Stealth is the electric skateboard company’s fastest and most expensive model. Though the $1,599 Stealth has a similar design and features as Boosted’s other boards, it sets a new record for speed: 24 mph.

What is the fastest electric skateboard 2021?

Fastest Electric Skateboards:

Model Top Speed
ONSRA Black Carve 2 Jump to Section ↓ 35 mph (56 km/h)
Meepo AWD Pro Jump to Section ↓ 34 mph (55 km/h)
Exway ATLAS Jump to Section ↓ 32 mph (51 km/h)
Backfire Zealot S Jump to Section ↓ 30 mph (48 km/h)