
What is the full form of Icod?

What is the full form of Icod?

ICOD. Information Cut-Off Date.

What is the full form of STG?

Stg, also written as STG, is a text abbreviation that stands for “swear to God” and is used to express passionate belief or intense exasperation, as in I stg that I left my keys on the desk yesterday but now I can’t find them.

What is the full form of Feee?

Free Early Education Entitlement. Community » Educational. Rate it: FEEE. Foundation for Environmental Education in Europe.

What is the full form of WPK?


Acronym Definition
WPK Workers’ Party of Korea (Communist Party, North Korea)
WPK WordPerfect Keyboard (File Name Extension)
WPK Workers Party of Kampuchea (est. 1951; communist party; Cambodia)
WPK Webhosting Protection Kit (software)
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What does BDAP stand for?


Acronym Definition
BDAP Bureau of Drug and Alcohol Programs
BDAP Bureau des Arts Plastiques (French: Bureau of Visual Arts; various locations)
BDAP Burden of Disease Application Project (software; World Health Organization)
BDAP Business Development Asia Pacific (Asquith, New South Wales, Australia)

What does STD mean in text?

“Sexually Transmitted Disease” is the most common definition for STD on Snapchat, WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

What Dbap means?


Acronym Definition
DBAP Double Bande avec Porteuse (French: Double Band with Carrier)
DBAP Durham Biodiversity Action Plan (UK)
DBAP Dairy Business Analysis Project (University of Florida Dairy Extension)
DBAP Distance-Based Amplitude Panning (technique for positioning of virtual sound sources)

Whats STD means?

Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), also known as sexually transmitted infections or STIs, are very common. Millions of new infections occur every year in the United States. STDs are passed from one person to another through sexual activity including vaginal, oral, and anal sex.

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What does SFS mean?

shoutout for shoutout
SFS is an acronym with a few different meanings. On Instagram, #SFS is a hashtag that indicates a user is looking for a shoutout for shoutout or spam for spam, which is a way to cross promote posts on the platform.