
What is the function of unit transformer?

What is the function of unit transformer?

The Unit Auxiliary Transformer is the Power Transformer that provides power to the auxiliary equipment of a power generating station during its normal operation.

What is the unit of transformer and why?

Transformers are rated in kVA because the losses occurring in the transformers are independent of power factor. KVA is the unit of apparent power. It is a combination of real power and reactive power. Transformers are manufactured without considering the load being connected.

What is the transformer principle?

Principle – A transformer works on the principle of mutual induction. Mutual induction is the phenomenon by which when the amount of magnetic flux linked with a coil changes, an E.M.F. is induced in the neighboring coil.

Why do we use a transformer?

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Transformers are employed for widely varying purposes; e.g., to reduce the voltage of conventional power circuits to operate low-voltage devices, such as doorbells and toy electric trains, and to raise the voltage from electric generators so that electric power can be transmitted over long distances.

What is unit auxiliary transformer?

The Unit Auxiliary Transformer is the Power Transformer that provides power to the auxiliary equipment of a power generating station during its normal operation. It is generally a three-winding transformer i.e. one primary and two separate secondary windings.

What happens when DC is given to primary of a transformer?

If DC supply is given to the primary of the transformer then DC current flows through primary winding which is constant. So net voltage in the primary winding will be (Vin-0) more due to which primary winding draws more current which leads to burning of winding.

What are the two types of transformers?

There are two types of potential transformers; the conventional wound type (or electromagnetic type) and the capacitor voltage (potential) transformer. For voltages exceeding 100 kV (phase) the conventional type of potential transformer becomes extremely expensive owing to the insulation requirements.

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What is GSU transformer?

Generator step-up transformers (GSU) are the critical link between the power station and the transmission network, often operated day and night at full load. They must be built to withstand extreme thermal loading without ageing prematurely.