
What is the Greek name for Monday?

What is the Greek name for Monday?

Days of the Week in Greek

English Greek Translation English Pronunciation
Monday Δευτέρα (First Day of the Week in Greek) Deftéra
Tuesday Τρίτη (Second Day of the Week in Greek) Tríti
Wednesday Τετάρτη (Third Day of the Week in Greek) Tetárti
Thursday Πέμπτη (Fourth Day of the Week in Greek) Pémpti

How do Greek write dates?

Dates written in Greek typically follow this format: [day] [month] [year]. For the fields [day] and [year], cardinal numbers can be used. However, when it’s the first day of the month, for the field [day], we use the ordinal number.

What do the days of the week mean in Greek?

The Naming of the Days The Greeks named the days week after the sun, the moon and the five known planets, which were in turn named after the gods Ares, Hermes, Zeus, Aphrodite, and Cronus. The Romans substituted their equivalent gods for the Greek gods, Mars, Mercury, Jove (Jupiter), Venus, and Saturn.

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How do you say the months in Greek?

The Months in Greek

  1. January – Ιανουάριος (Ιαν, Ι) – Ianouarios.
  2. February – Φεβρουάριος (Φεβ, Φ) – Fevouarios.
  3. March – Μάρτιος (Μάρ, Μ) – Martios.
  4. April – Απρίλιος (Απρ, Α) – Aprilios.
  5. May – Μάιος (Μάι, Μ) – Maios.
  6. June – Ιούνιος (Ιούν, Ι) – Iounios.
  7. July – Ιούλιος (Ιούλ, Ι) – Ioulios.
  8. August – Αύγουστος (Αύγ, Α) – Avgoustos.

How do you say Wednesday in Greek?

Wednesday – Τετάρτη – Tetarti.

What does Friday mean in Greek?

In modern Greek, four of the words for the week-days are derived from ordinals. However, the Greek word for Friday is Paraskevi (Παρασκευή) and is derived from a word meaning “to prepare” (παρασκευάζω).

Do Greeks use 24hr clock?

In Greece the all-numeric form for dates is in the little endianness order of “day month year”. Years can be written with 2 or 4 digits. For example, either 24/5/2004 or 24/5/04. The 12-hour notation is used in verbal communication, but the 24-hour format is also used along with the 12-hour notation in writing.

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Do they use military time in Greece?

Understand That Greece is On Military Time Like most of Europe, Greece follows military time. This means that there is no notion of AM or PM because 6 PM, for example, is actually 18:00 hours.

What does April mean in Greek?

April is named after the Greek goddess of love, Aphrodite. In the Roman calendar, the fourth month April is spelled Aprilis, meaning “to open.” Festivals which were planned for April included Parrilla, a day celebrating the founding of Rome.