
What is the main problem with the solar system model of an atom?

What is the main problem with the solar system model of an atom?

The problem with this is that the electrons are CHARGED particles and moving around in a circle they have CENTRIPETAL acceleration (even if they move with constant velocity in modulus the direction of this velocity changes continuously giving rise to the centripetal acceleration).

What do all solar system have in common?

Our solar system consists of our star, the Sun, and everything bound to it by gravity – the planets Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune; dwarf planets such as Pluto; dozens of moons; and millions of asteroids, comets, and meteoroids.

What is the main problem with a solar system model of the atom quizlet?

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What is the main problem with a solar system model of the atom? -Protons would be required to emit electromagnetic radiation when accelerated. -Electrons moving in a circle would be accelerating, would lose energy, and would therefore not be able to maintain their orbits.

Is the solar system just an atom?

Solar systems as atoms Following that train of thought, perhaps solar systems are actually “atoms” in a much larger universe. Some stars are very large and some are much smaller than our Sun—just as some atomic nuclei are large and some are small, depending on their atomic number and weight.

How many atoms make up Earth?

According to the US Department of Energy’s Jefferson Lab, the answer is: 133,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000. That answer comes from an estimation of the number of atoms in each of Earth’s elements, like Iron, Oxygen, Silicon, Magnesium, Sulfur … etc.

Are there other solar systems?

The Short Answer: Our planetary system is the only one officially called “solar system,” but astronomers have discovered more than 3,200 other stars with planets orbiting them in our galaxy. Our solar system is just one specific planetary system—a star with planets orbiting around it.