
What is the maximum length of a building without expansion joint?

What is the maximum length of a building without expansion joint?

As per IS- 456:2000, structures exceeding 45m in length are designed with one or more expansion joint. As per IS 3414 which is a specific code for joints, it is mentioned as 30m. Expansion joint shall be so provided that the necessary movement occurs with a minimum resistant at joint.

What is the maximum length of RCC wall without expansion joint?

It basically depends on the temperature variation to which the structure is subjected throughout the year as well as layout of the building. However as a thumb rule for RCC buildings it should not be more than 200 ft.

What is the maximum distance between expansion joints?

The following recommended tips should be observed: Maximum joint spacing should be 24 to 36 times the thickness of the slab. Joints should be spaced about 10 feet and a maximum of 15 feet. When using joint groove for contraction joints, the joint should be a minimum depth of 1/4 thickness of the slab.

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Where are expansion joints required in buildings?

Expansion joints occur through all parts of a structure to provide complete separation – through floors, walls, ceilings, and roofs (interior & exterior).

How far apart should construction joints be?

Joints are commonly spaced at distances equal to 24 to 30 times the slab thickness. Joint spacing that is greater than 15 feet require the use of load transfer devices (dowels or diamond plates). Contraction joints may be tooled into the concrete surface at the time of placement.

What is the importance of expansion joints?

Expansion joints efficiently absorb vibration, it holds parts of construction materials together and allows for the movement of the material because of ground settlement or earthquakes. It also ensures that easy movement of live loads adding to isolation from water and moisture.

What happens to concrete without expansion joints?

Concrete expansion joints give the slabs just enough room to move which helps prevent cracks & buckling. Without these joints, even a little movement creates pressure and stress on the concrete. Eventually weak spots can crack or buckle.

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How big of a slab can you pour without expansion joints?

Concrete control joints should be no less than ¼ of the total thickness of the slab (1” deep for a 4” thick pour) and placed no less than 2-3 times (in feet) the thickness (in inches) of the slab (8-12 feet apart for a 4” thick pour).